Tuesday, September 29, 2009

AD Mielke Suggestions

Before Reading - no Seriously! Read this!
Over Powered: Some of these suggestions would be too over powered if all of that section was implemented. Therefore I would not want all of these to be. Such as Rogue has a lot more suggestions and would make them extremely powerful in PvP so I would not want all of them to be.
Too long!: I have tried to make it as short as possible. If you don't want to read then you do not have to but please don't post when you don't read it. Don't be like Congress and not read the Healthcare Bill. (Lol)
Blizzard Noticing: I am not doing this for Blizzard or for World of Warcraft instead I am doing this for my personal interest. Blizzard will not (but hopefully) be reading this. I do not or have ever worked for Blizzard. I have no affiliations with them or even live in the same state.

New Content in Order

Weddings - Mounts
Cataclysm Racials: Changed all resistance racial abilities to reduced chance to be hit and reduced damage.
Human - Every Man for Himself
Blood Elf - Sin'dorei Revenge
Dungeons and Raiding - Emblem Down Grading
Professions - Epic Crafting
Professions - Lifeblood REMOVED
Classes: All movement speed talents have been removed and back to current but Rogues get 20% mount speed with Fleet (aka Fleet Footed).
Priest - Phantasm revamped.
Shaman - Loosen Earth
Shaman - Lift Earth


Vocational Dungeons
Guild Unions
Professions - Tracking
Professions - Mining
Professions - Convasing/Farms
Quests - Daily Quests
Quests - Class Quests
Servers and Realms
Scarlet Prophet - Expansion

Game Play
Backpack: Start with 16 slot with every 10 levels you gain 1 slot but at 85 (Cataclysm) you gain an extra slot for a total of 25 slots. Blizzcon 2009: the backpack will be increased somehow.
Bank: There is room for another row of bank bag slots. Since each is 25 gold at the moment. Increase to 50 gold each for the bottom ones.
Triple Raid Specialization: Same as dual specialization but when you enter a battleground you change to a third build that is meant around PvP and can only be change when you enter the BG. Blizzcon 2009: third spec will be in the distant future.
Racial Glyphs: At level 30 you gain a new glyph slot for augmenting your racial abilities. Author: ChaylbsLevitas
Socket Bonuses: To make socket bonuses better Blizzard could add in green, purple and orange sockets. Green could be blue, yellow or green, etc. OR add in a meta socket to every piece with a socket bonus with a meta gem requirement for only that piece. Example: a piece with a meta, yellow, blue and red. Relentless Earthsiege Diamond requires all three types to be used. This would have a high benefit for socket bonuses. These would only be on the five main parts (chest, gloves, legs, boots and helm).
Field Activities: These are scattered throughout Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom and between a few invited friends. The activities include variations of tennis, basketball, archery, and fencing.
Card Games: Play against your friends, other players or by yourself in the card games Hearts and Poker.
Climbing: Ladders and special areas can be climbed up.

World Events
Looking For Group: Option to be "looking for a group" in the Looking for Group window labeled under World Events.

Real Life History: Add in a bit about real life history on this day. Possibly a weekly quest with that story's theme and outcome. People play this game too much so adding in some school is for the greater good.
Mathematics: Calculate to determine strategies and find treasures or something that shows how to calculate mathematics while in game but you don't calculate.
Languages: Option to change a sentence in quest objectives and vocal language (with or without subtitles) in a selected foreign language.

Reason: It is for couples, married or not, to have fun.
How To Go About It: Each buy a ring (each must buy it and not one player buy both) and bind them together during a wedding ceremony. Spend gold for the priest to come out (in tier 1 - LOL) and announce that you are married. This can be with any gender combination.
Benefits: Nothing other than showing that you and your loved one are together (no tax breaks - sorry).
Wedding Tabard: Wear a wedding band created by the couple around your shoulder and waste much like an ammo belt. Colored and patterns are available.
Wedding Title: Gain a title married to .
Mounts: All mounts can be rode by the couple at once.

Environment Hazards: Tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes being formed in specific zones dealing damage but only avoidable by running, invulnerability, resistances and while inside towns.
Situational Attacks: Attacks done after certain attacks done or taken (after target dodges, parries, etc. or after you block, critical strike or hit). This would require an "attack with back up attack" style of combat during global cool down so you could use a critical strike with a hit as back up.
Holy Resistance: Holy is a new resistance and Human gains a 2% reduction in damage done by Holy damage.
Slash Resistance: A new type of physical resistance that involves swords and axes.
Thrust Resistance: Physical resistance for daggers and pole arms.
Crush Resistance: Physical resistance for maces.
Arrows and Bullets: These can be any physical type depending on which you have.

Cataclysm Race and Class Combination
Troll Warlocks; author: Dwarfiesgosquish
Undead Paladins; author: Darganon

Cataclysm Racials

Blood Fury: Increases all damage by 5% for 12 seconds.
Axe Specialization:[/i] Increases damage by 1% with all Axes and Fist weapons.
Command: Increases pet damage by 15% for 12 seconds.
Hardiness: Cures all stun effects making the orc immune for 3 seconds.

Cultivation: Decreases all Herbalism casts by 100% and increases.
Endurance: Increases [u]max[/u] health by 5%. Currently this is base health by 5%.
Nature Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by nature effects by 2%.
War Stomp: Stun all enemies within a 8 yard radius instantly for 2 seconds.

Beast Slaying: Increases damage done to beasts by 10% for 12 seconds.
Berserking: (Unaffected).
Ancient Specialization: Increases damage done with bows and thrown weapons by 2%.
Da Voodoo Shuffle: Cures all movement impairing effects (not immobilizing) making them immune for 3 seconds.
Regeneration: Increases health regeneration of you and your pet by 10%.

Cannibalize: Grabs a piece of a corpse, eating and chewing it. During this time you heal 7% of your health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. No damage disrupts spell and no need to channel but still need a corpse nearby.
Shadow Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by shadow effects by 2%.
Underwater Breathing: Never ending breathing underwater.
Will of the Forsaken: Cures all charm, fear and sleep effects and making them immune for 3 seconds.

Blood Elf
Arcane Affinity: Decreases enchanting and disenchanting crafting speed by 50%.
Arcane Torrent: (Unaffected).
Magic Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by magic effects by 2%.
Sin'dorei Revenge: Absorbs and reflects 50% of next direct spell taken.

Diplomacy: (Unaffected).
Every Man for Himself: Removes all effects that makes you lose control of your character and making the human immune for the next 3 seconds.
Allied Weapons: Increases damage done with swords and maces by 1%.
Perception: Anyone in a stealth or prowl mode within 10 yards will be detected.
The Human Spirit: (Unaffected).
Holy Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by holy effects by 2%.

Sense of Treasure: All treasures nearby automatically are shown as gold stars on the mini-map.
Frost Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by frost effects by 2%.
Gun Specialization: Increases damage done with guns by 2%.
Mace Specialization: Increases damage done with maces by 2%.
Stoneform: (Unaffected).

Arcane Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by arcane effects by 2%.
Engineering Specialization: Decreases engineering crafting speed by 50%.
Escape Artist: Cures all immobilizing effects (not impairing) making the gnome immune for 3 seconds.
Expansive Mind: (Unaffected).

Night Elf
Elusiveness: (Unaffected).
Nature Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by nature effects by 2%.
Quickness: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by melee and ranged effects by 2%.
Shadowmeld: For 10 seconds you stealth with normal movement. Any action done by you breaks the effect other than moving.
Wisp Spirit: (Unaffected).

Gemcutting: Decreases gemcutting crafting speed by 50%.
Gift of the Naaru: Heals 5% of max health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. No effected by spell power or attack power.
Heroic Presence: (Uneffected).
Shadow Resistance: Decreases damage and chance to be hit by shadow effects by 2%.

Dressing Room: Mounts are shown as they would look on your character in the dressing room window.
Flying Speed: All new Cataclysm flying mounts are 380% flying and 410% for the special ones. This also works well with the future content which allows your fastest mount to transfer that speed to all of other flying mounts.
Mountain O' Mounts: Dragonhawk rewarded heightened to 310%.

Ground Mounts
Alligator; author: 3DG4LIFE
Warpstalker; author: 3DG4LIFE
Gnome Battletank; author: TheChilliGod
Clefthoof; author: ZverG
Rhino; author: ZverG
Stone Guardian; author: ZverG
Core Hound; author: ZverG
Ravager; author: ZverG
Spirit Beast; author: ZverG

Flying Mounts
Mechanical Wings (engineering jetpack).. Author: WebScud
Chimera. Author: ZverG
Sporebat. Author: ZverG

Water Mounts
Squid or Octopus
Submarine. Author: 3DG4LIFE
Scuba Gear. Author: WebScud

Vocation Dungeons
Description: The ravines created by Deathwing emerges underground caves. These caves are random due to the high extent from the force emerging caverns and paths.
Location: Three caves for both Horde and Alliance at max level (85 during Cataclysm) located at highest level zone (would be Icecrown for WotLK).
Daily Quest: Destroy breakable objects, kill a number of creatures, collect items and slay a named Boss at the end.
Reward: High gold and a highest level of emblem.
Testing: While inside these dungeons you are gained with powers of learning. This gives you free respecs until you exit the dungeon. This will let you test out different builds.

Dungeons and Raiding
Emblem Downgrading: The downgrading is as follows: 1 triumph to 1 conquest, 1 conquest to 2 valor, 1 valor to 2 heroism. There for if you have 1 conquest or triumph and need heroism you can turn either in for 4 heroism.
Loot: Same loot for 10 and 25 man. Just 25 man gives three times as many pieces (read Loot Distribution). Hard mode gives double the amount (10 gives 2 pieces and 25 gives 6). Blizzard has implemented this slightly with the new tier 9 tokens out of Trial of the Crusader.
Distribution: boss drops a piece accumulated and turned in for that loot table or easier pieces into a greater piece which will defeat the purpose of waiting to pass out loot, checking on what dropped before moving on, loot mongers and not running it because I only want last boss loot. Basically a large scale of boss-specific emblems.
Saved to Boss: Saved to the boss and not the run. You can join another Ulduar group if you've downed some bosses but you can't gain any achievements or loot from the saved boss.
Practice: Pick a boss fight and practice at it. Deals no damage but excluding one or two abilities.
Vault of Archavon: Fourth boss when season 8 comes out in February. After defeating all 3 bosses you awaken a fourth and final boss which crawls out of the middle machine made hole.
Obstacles: A raid area that evolves as you defeat obstacles. Destroy a barrier that lets go of tons of water, breaking stones that lead to a tunnel, a floor that breaks having everyone falling to their own fights or defeating a boss that bursts causing its blood to melt the ground (and players) that it lands on opening into a new and deeper section.

Sponsor: Buy a Guild Ink from guild tabard vendor to attach it to any piece of armor to change the color(s) to your guild's colors.
Guild Heirlooms: A guild talent that drops an NPC vendor giving a unique (1) or (2) heirloom. These heirlooms cost nothing at all but can only take 1 or 2 (haven't decided). Author: hywelgould
Guild Unions: An accepted allegiance between guilds creating a missing link of unpopulated guilds needing a few extra to fill a 25 man without releasing their guild loyalty. Use /union or /u to talk in the chat window. This benefits every guild for guild advancements (Cataclysm) and let small or personal guilds become noticed giving players a chance for greatness and personality to the game.

Note: Blizzcon 2009 announced gathering professions will be 'more entertaining'.
Epic Crafting: All epics must buy a vendor white item at equivalent level to start crafting. Your skills basically build on a typical and basic weapon or piece of gear.
Tracking: Herbs are green with gold rings, mining deposits are blue with gold rings. Blizzcon 2009: able to track more than 1 search.
Disenchanting: Able to disenchant soul bound items through the trade window much like lock picking.
Blacksmithing: Weapon attachments stack with enchants. One is physical and one is magical.
Woodcarving: Craft bows, arrows, parts for other miner professions, and caster weapon attachments. Blizzcon 2009: briefly brought up a Fletcher profession.
Jewelcrafting: Add orange, purple and green Jewelcrafting only sockets.
Mining: Deposits are the regular mining for ore with a pick where veins are places to dig and blast to create a mining shaft which can create larger amounts of ore after time. These places can either be mined by whoever you invite in or can be mined by anyone so make one quick and grind it out. These last for an hour until the cave collapses burring and killing anyone within.
Farms: Small farms that you can create in pre-canvassed (see below) areas. These areas give off food but most of all... herbs. They also last an hour.
Canvassing: As a herbalist you can canvass an area to test the soil. The greener the area after scanning will be the best place to drop a farm.
Alchemy: Armor and weapon dye.
Three Professions: Three profession slots named: Gather, Craft and Prismatic. Gather slot is for any gathering skill like skinning and herbalism. Craft slot is for anything that crafts such as Engineering and Enchanting. Prismatic slots can be any primary profession. Author: seebs

Not Enough Players: If there are 5 Alliance and 4 Horde the Alliance can't gain any more players until Horde gains the same amount as them (in this case would be 5). Blizzard has implemented this in 3.2.2.
PvPvE: A battleground being invaded by Horde, Alliance and a computer controlled force.
Continental: A continent (yes - a continent) size BG that never ends with towns, cities, bases, keeps, etc. that you siege and capture with guild sponsoring a structure. This will give out a world wide buff depending on how much your faction controls.
Siege Ideas: Meat Wagon making very weak skeletons and ghouls appear where the attack lands, Helicopter much like the ones in Ulduar having only a pilot made for destroying other siege.
Urban: Battleground inside a city. Could be a ruined city.
Death Match: First team to kill a certain amount of the opposing team wins.
Weapons: Bring back older season weapons. Let's say were on season 4, then season 2 weapons become available for sixty tokens of any battlegrounds and fix of the other ones (for one handed and more for two handed and ranged). Therefore you can get that season weapons for sixty Arathi Basin tokens, ten of EotS, AV, WSG and IoC.

Dailies: Multiply rewards and make them a weekly quests (4-7 days).
Class Quest: Long quest chain leading to epic armor (possibly to a necklace) attachments able to complete the final quest over once a week to award the attachment again. Blizzcon 2009: brought up in Q&A that they are looking into this.
Class PvP Quest: Short quest chain that depends on your class. Rogues must infiltrate enemy major cities, warlocks have to summon a demon just outside of a major city, etc. Author: Elamdri
Quests: choose more gold or xp at any level helping low level characters reach higher level quicker.

Servers and Realms
Free For All (FFA): A total free for all. All races begin at their normal starting zone but able to travel where ever they want. Regular Alliance vs Horde events are the same but Wintergrasp is blue vs red. The blue and red teams are picked at random (join as group is considered one entry).
Population Display: Display a rough population next to each realm name in the realm selection window of the active players playing.
Population Balance: Increase experience on low populated realms and factions instead of tenacity. If there are more Alliance on a server then the Horde gains a minor or extreme (if the population difference is great) experience reward.

Lifewarden (Hero Class)
Description: After Freya was saved from Yogg-Saron she left a gift, the Lifewardens. Specialized in giving life and taking lives by fertilizing soil to bring forth plant life and mysterious elements.
Basic Skill(s)
Quick Cast: Activate to create next spell cast to be able to run and cast.
Types: Scythe (melee), Risen (mage), Nurture (healer).
Scythe: Wielding a staff you call upon Freya to give the gift of the harvest conjuring a scythe. This scythe can attack large and light or near and heavy depending on your situation.
Dwindle: The Defiler cuts into their prey and causes the next attack, spell or ability to cause no damage or effect. 10 minute cooldown.
Blood: Secondary bar for Scythe. Builds much like Runic Power but is only used for Devour.
Devour: Uses up Blood to become enraged dealing 10% more damage and 10% haste every second per 5 points of blood.
Prey: A delayed 20% damage and haste buff waiting for 5 seconds then lasting for 10 seconds.
Numbing Blow: Penetrate your tagret's soul dealing no damage but freeing the soul. Incapacitate for 10 seconds with a 100% healing reduction during the effect. Will be canceled if any damage is taken.
Air: Specialize in mushrooms and damaging poisons. These mushrooms can have a poisonous gas to create a few different outcomes: damaging, weaken and immobilize. The poison spells the Risen Lifewarden fling are stacking and revolting. After applying many stacks the Lifewarden can grow a new and possibly different effect of your choosing.
Poisoned Air: Douse the target with a poison that finds its way to the joints of the enemy. Deals damage every second that target moves.
Transplant: Change position with the target. If immune it pulls the caster to the target.
Reapers: Focus this channeling spell summoning tiny ents dealing damage to your target for 30 seconds. This spell takes 6 seconds to fully cast creating 1 ent per second.
Improved Quick Cast: Each spell cast reduces mana cost of your Quick Cast ability by 10% (stacking up to 50%) also when Quick Cast is used your following spell has a 20% increased chance to critically strike.
Life: The long awaited new healing class. This portion specializes in delayed healing, positioning healing, augmenting an area of ground and summoning aiding elementals.
Seeder: Spawn a growing plant healing everyone withing 10 yards every 2 seconds for 8 seconds with a "Regrowth" when it dies.
Sprout: Creates a minor Prayer of Mending which stacks and passes on to a nearby target after 10 seconds or full applications.
Spawn (Holly, Tulip and Lily): Holly is a combination of a Renew and physical damage buff. Tulip decreases damage taken with the Renew. Lily increases spell power with the Renew. Each are on the same timer which is 10 seconds and each lasts for 10 seconds.
Angelic: Cures interruption and silence effects giving immunity for 10 seconds.

Death Knight
Stoneskin: Talent which allows you to consume your summoned gargoyle to strengthen the caster's defensive skills decreasing all damage by 95% but reducing damage done by 50% and rooting them in place.
Lichborne: Change the Death Knight into a ghoul or lich.
Consume Decay: When a Death and Decay is currently damaging an area, the caster consumes it dealing 6 seconds of the damage to anyone caught in it. Costs 2 blood runes or 60 runic power.
Raise Ghoul: Saves parts of the corpse it was raised from. Maybe helmet, shoulders and weapon(s). Author: Wolfrayne

Tree of Life and Moonkin: Update graphics like cat and bear forms from patch 3.2.

Loyal Servitude: Damage the pet by 5% every 3 seconds giving it to the caster for 21 seconds and stunning it for the duration unless canceled. While this effect lasts it cannot effect by the healing of Mend Pet but can be effected by the talent Improved Mend Pet.
Tame Mount: A second tame ability that tames any ridable creature. Only able to tame one at a time. The speed depends on your training and will only add 1 mount earned towards mount achievement. This means you cannot retame more and more mounts getting further and further into the mount achievement. Author: Haimdall

Nexus of Elements: An explosion of frost, arcane then fire damage. Frost is lowest damage but causes chill. Arcane deals highest damage and causes each target to have a minor Arcane Explosion. And fire deals damage and effecting the targets with a minor Living Bomb for 8 seconds.
Arcane Gravity: Conjure a dark hole in the dimension which pulls targets into the center dealing damage and slowing movement. The effect decreases the further away from the center.

Height of Sight: Creates a line of sight wall (roughly 15 yards long) behind the paladin from side to side for a short time. You can walk through this but can't cast through it.
Blessing Mastery: Deep protection talent which lets you cast any two blessings. Any blessing (ex: Freedom) will not replace Kings.

Improved Spirit of Redemption: Able to resurrect the priest after the effect wares with 100% reduction in healing and damage given for 1 minute.
Phantasm: Your direct damaging spells have a 5/10/15% chance to summon a short duration phantasm pet to only attack the target you were dealing damage to and will die if target dies..

Remedy: Rogue uses poison reagents to create a remedy which heals over time as it travels through the rogue's body.
Sink: (talent) Next Eviscerate or Envenom deals no damage. The Eviscerate or Envenom after those will deal double damage. Must effect same target.
Cold Blood: When activated, increases the critical strike chance [b]and hit chance[/b] of your next offensive ability by 100%.
Grapple: Throws a hook to a ground target pulling the rogue to it. Only works against targets higher in elevation than you.
Deadliest Brew: You have a 50/100% to induce your target with all poisons each time Deadly Brew is used.
Fleet: Also increases mount speed by 10/20%.
Improved Poisons: Increases chance to apply all poisons by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Vile Poisons: Increases effects of [u]all poisons[/u] by 10/20/30%. Wound would be 65% healing reduction and Mind would be 40%.
Poisons:Instant cast costing 50 energy. No more poison reagents.
Poison Bottle: Deals small amount of nature damage from breaking a bottle on the ground. Like the dwarf rogue in regular and Heroic Trial of the Champion.

Loosen Earth: Loosen the earth in a selected area then use Lift Earth.
Lift Earth: Lifts the heavy earthen material within the Loosen Earth area dealing damage there.
Sovereign Elemental: Enslaves an elemental.
Forked Lightning: Drives a large amount of damage to the front of the shaman dealing damage to everyone caught and chaining to the nearest 2 targets.
Thunder Strike: Melee attack dealing damage to everyone around them. Think of the Jedoga Shadowseeker's AoE but a whirl wind.
Enhancements: Now a 1 hour duration costing no mana.

Collapse (replaced Grow): Command your voidwalker to collapse after 6 seconds of casting dealing amount of damage equal to its health.
Gate: Open a gate into the nether world summoning weak imps.
Indulge: Sacrifice a Gate Imp (above) to cause your pet to become resilient to damage by 50%.
Wall of Flame: Set a long rectangle ground space in fire dealing damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds. Works the same as The Ring of Valor's fire line.
Blink Imp: Your imp blinks 20 yards towards their target or to their caster.
Spines: Your felhunter shoots its spines reducing healing done by 20% on next heal within 5 seconds with a 3 minute cool down.
Healthstones: Changed from a single use to three.

Heightened Thunder Clap: Decreases movement speed (snare) by 10% for every target after effecting 1 when you use Thunder Clap. This means that if you use it with just 1 person near you it will not effect movement but if there's 5 people then every target around you by 40%. This has a maximum of 50% movement reduction so after 6 targets the Thunderclap snare does not increase.
Demanding Rotation: A long cool down rotation (once every 5 minutes) you begin your first attacks leading to an intense burst.
Aim and Mark (attack 1): Aim your weapon and attack making a mark on your target for next attacks to become more severe. Costs 10 rage.
Weaken Constitution (attack 2): Use the blunt end of your weapon to numb the area increasing damage for 10 seconds. Costs 15 rage.
Deliver Pain (attack 3): Making a quick incision to a vital artery you deal minor damage but a quick but strong bleed. Costs 20 rage.
Hate (attack 4): Watching the blood trickle out you throw your arm back building up energy then releasing it to the infected area dealing huge damage. Costs 30 rage.
Hated (attack 5): After using Hate successfully you have a large haste and damage buff for a short time.
Success: Must hit every attack to go on to the next.

Character Customization
Age: Sets age of your character changing face and how hunched you are.
Tattoos: Adds facial and body tattoos. Many Cataclysm screen shots have player tattoos.
Height: Make your character taller or short.
Weight: Will your character have a beer belly?
Muscle: Muscle definition or none at all [which would defeat purpose of a 'buff' troll race addition like Forest Trolls].
Race-Specific: Add more race-specific parts (ex: bones for undead are shown less or more).
Dual Character: Able to play 2 characters while inside any major city.
Hair Styles: Combine all hair styles for both Horde and Alliance.

New Races or Tribes (Sub-Races)
Mok'nathal or Mag'har
Eredar (http://www.wowwiki.com/Eredar) like Velen the Divine
Broken like Akama
Lost One like the ones in Swamp of Sorrows
Ancient (also lower case)
Chaos Orc like Grom Hellscream
Iron Dwarf
Earthen Dwarf
Highborne were turned into the Naga
Vrykul could begin with you're a child and get discarded and left to die but you have to evade and survive which you grow up after completing certain quests
Taunka much like Chieftain Ashtotem in Borean Tundra

The Scarlet Prophet (Expansion)
Description: Since day one there has been a dim scarlet threat. The prophet of the scarlet zealots has preeched his obnoxious mind tricks and casts his master mind control over his territories. Controlling a large amount of people he attacks the Undercity and Silvermoon City. Making their way to the southern areas of the Eastern Kingdoms they reach Ironforge. Every day the Scarlet will attack more and more. The Horde and Alliance must fight back or be controlled by the mighty Prophet!

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